Saturday, September 11, 2010

Plan to Stop Not Evangelizing Part 1

Pray. I think many times we don't evangelize because we undertake everything in our own power. We attempt to leave God out of it. We forget that it is His will and pleasure for his gospel to be known. He wants sinners saved. Simply put, we don't pray for opportunities to share the gospel, so how surprised should we be when they don't come? If you're not evangelizing because you think you lack opportunities, pray and be amazed as God answers your prayers. (from-The gospel and personal evangelism -Mark Dever)


  1. P Greg,

    Hello. Janet Price here. =)
    I just wanted to share something in regards to this post. I actually read this post after the occassion of this story but it reminded me of something that recently just happened...

    On Sunday I surprised Ryan with tickets to the Ravens game and arranged for his bestfriend to go with him. His bestfriend is not a Christian and Ryan has a real heart and desire for him to be saved one day (though this friend is particularly difficult to witness to). So, when I surprised Ryan and told him who he was going with I told him that there were a few stipulations, one being that he had to witness or talk about God with this friend sometime throughout the day. He agreed and we talked about different conversations or topics that he could bring up and tried to plan the best we could on how this could happen. Well, that morning on my way to Church God reminded me that we should be praying about it. Duh! I feel like the Lord was specifically reminding me to pray for an opportunity to witness so I called Ryan and shared with him what the Lord put on my heart.

    To make a long story short (lol), later that afternoon Ryan texted me and said that he and his friend "couldn't stop talking about Jesus and to be praying". It was so exciting! How kind of God to remind us that seeking Him for help was all that we needed. He certainly DID answer our prayer!

  2. What an encouraging story. How much time were you and Ryan able to prepare questions for the time. I'm so glad you thought of that opportunity Janet. Hopefully Ryan can still talk with his friend more.
